Logan: 10 Best Moments

8. X-24 Kills Charles (And Everybody Else)

Logan Claws

Easily the most shocking scene in the entire movie occurs when Logan, Charles and Laura spend the night at the Munsons' farm, and Charles tells Logan how it was one of the best nights he's had in a long time.

Unfortunately, Charles never actually got to tell the real Logan, as he was in fact saying this to X-24, the Wolverine clone resembling a younger, shorter-haired Logan, who emerges from the shadows and stabs Charles through the chest with his claws.

Even more shockingly, X-24 then kills Will Munson's teenage son and wife, before brutally wailing away on the rednecks who previously accosted Logan (and naturally believed X-24 to simply be Logan). The rampage only ends when a mortally wounded Will uses his car to ram X-24 into a thresher machine and then shotguns him in the face.

The whole scene is stunningly brutal, but most surprising of all is how little fanfare there is for Charles' demise. To some that might seem a little underwhelming, but the lack of big emotional swell feels consistent with the bleak tone of the entire movie. People just die without getting to make their grand gestures or speeches, and that's it.

At least Logan managed to tell Charles that the killer wasn't him, but that's the only small sliver of solace coming out of the scene.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.