London Film Festival Day 1: A United Kingdom, The Red Turtle & More

2. The Red Turtle

A United Kingdom Rosamund Pike David Oyelowo
Wild Bunch/Studio Ghibli

Sure to be the most divertingly original animation of the year, The Red Turtle is a beautifully animated collaboration between Studio Ghibli and Oscar-winning filmmaker Michael Dudok de Wit. While its slow pace and dreamlike logic won't be to all tastes, it's a staggeringly rich, emotional ride all the same.

The premise is simple: a man shipwrecks on an island and finds himself facing off against a red turtle who will change his life forever. There's not much point saying anymore than that, because this is absolutely a film best viewed knowing as little as possible.

It's probably too slow and lacking in incident for the very youngest kids, but for adults and slightly older children, this is a mature, gorgeously-rendered treat with a soulful, heartbreaking score from Laurent Perez Del Mar.

Rating: Kids raised on hyperactive Hollywood animation full of pop-culture references and toilet humour might struggle with this, but for those prepared to immerse themselves in something completely different and not always strictly coherent, The Red Turtle is a true one-of-a-kind movie. 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.