Lord Of The Rings: Every Death Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Saurman

Film: The Return of the King (extended) How he died: Killed by Wormtail The great and powerful Saruman brought down by... Wormtail? The murderer is a bit underwhelming although in the books, Saruman does get his throat slit by Wormtail at Bag End whereas in the films, he is stabbed in the back and then falls from his tower. Either way, they're both pretty dramatic and it's surprising that one of the most powerful wizards in Middle Earth is taken down by his annoying side kick. Fun fact: Christopher Lee took down Peter Jackson with one question on the set of The Lord of the Rings:
From Peter Jackson€™s DVD commentary: €œWhen I was shooting the stabbing shot with Christopher, as a director would, I was explaining to him what he should do€ And he says, €˜Peter, have you ever heard the sound a man makes when he€™s stabbed in the back?€™ And I said, 'Um, no.€™ And he says 'Well, I have, and I know what to do.€™€

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com