Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit: Every Major Death RANKED

14. Kili - The Battle Of The Five Armies

Haldir lord of the rings
Warner Bros.

The Hobbit movies had a tough challenge when it came to adapting the battle of the five armies, as readers didn't even see it take place in the book. Thanks to that, they had complete reign to show the climax however they wanted, and to finally give the characters of Fili and Kili a meaningful death. Sadly it didn't quite work that way.

We start with the first brother, as this death was plagued with feelings of melodrama and a lack of emotion to back them up. The decision to have a romance between Kili and the introduced Elven character Tauriel was an interesting idea, yet it still felt like a rehashed story that we had already seen in the world of Middle-Earth.

It was also never believable enough to garner an emotional reaction from audiences, which caused the dramatic demise of Kili in front of Tauriel to feel cheap and unfounded. This is made even worse by the deliberately over-the-top editing.

The slow-motion death scene of Boromir set a precedent for how to make a good death scene, and as such, this one tries the same. But it falters in that audiences are not as invested in the character, and therefore the dramatic slow-motion feels incredibly cheap.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!