Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit: Every Major Death RANKED

12. Azog The Defiler - The Battle Of The Five Armies

Haldir lord of the rings
Warner Brothers

There are a lot of things wrong with this sequence, but also some significant positives. Ironically as a segment, it seems to capture all of the worst aspects of the Middle-Earth films. It tries to use slow motion and editing to convey the emotion, it doesn't know when to end and even features the Eagles.

Seeing Azog and Thorin finally square down for the final time feels epic, and the frozen setting is an exciting place for it to happen. Sadly, the use of a mace as Azog's primary weapon feels like a call-back to a far better scene in the fight between Eowyn and The Witch King, but without the personality.

Azog dies two deaths in a way in this segment, with the first coming when he is outsmarted and slips beneath the ice and the second being when Orcist finally impales him.

The death looks excellent, and there is a good pay off to the feud between the characters, but it's a little too overblown and complicated when a simple ending would have sufficed.


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