Mad Max: Fury Road - 10 Reasons Critics Are Calling It A Masterpiece
7. Its Unrelenting Pace
"Mad Max: Fury Road is like watching a non-stop, two-hour-long action-packed trailer..." Mike Ryan, Uproxx "The ultimate car chase movie." - Matt Singer, ScreenCrush "Essentially, the story is one extended, spectacular car chase, which changes directions mid-movie to retrace its own footsteps as the stunts grow bigger and more outrageous with each passing mile." - Dana Stevens, Slate
The most exciting thing about Mad Max: Fury Road is that it has been hyped up as one long chase movie, and going by what the critics have to say, that's exactly what audiences can expect come release day. Fury Road's relentless, unstoppable pace has been highlighted by critics as its most defining feature; an endless orgy of speed, action and violence. The action itself has been lauded for its grittiness, but some reviews have also pointed out that Fury Road's pacing works as something akin to an action ballet - a feature clearly achieved through Miller's dedication to getting the pacing just right. What's more, several critics have declared Fury Road as "the ultimate car chase movie." High honour, indeed.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.