Mad Max: Fury Road - 10 Reasons Critics Are Calling It A Masterpiece

3. It's Actually About Something

"Come for the blistering, full-tilt action, stay for the thought-provoking consideration of the post-apocalypse." - Rodrigo Perez, The Playlist
Despite the fact that Mad Max: Fury Road is essentially a blockbuster, critics are raving about the movie because - and who'd have thought it? - it actually has something to say about the apocalypse. Something primal, yes, but also something more melancholy - mediative, even. Which means that, despite its action chops, it's an intelligent flick. In his review, Rodrigo Perez goes on to say that "Miller brilliantly reimagines his post-apocalyptic universe and this time actually considers the human implications of a wasteland ruled by ruthless dictators and desperation - stuff that could have easily been forgotten or left out amongst the relentless scenes of exploding fire and sand, but wasn't.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.