Mad Max: Fury Road - 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes & References

16. The Doof Warrior

Mad Max Fury Road Gyro Captain
Warner Bros.

Having already stolen the hearts of most Mad Max fanatics as soon as the trailer landed and showed him in all of his bungee jumping, flame-throwing, guitar-slinging glory, the Doof Warrior got even more of a boost post-release. In interviews since the release, Miller has fleshed out the backstory of his musical maniac (played by Australian musicianĀ iOTA), suggesting the mask he's wearing is the face of his dead mother.


His name is actually something of an in-joke, similar to the brand of dog food Mad Max being calledĀ "Dinki-Di" (which means "genuine" in Ozzy slang) and Toecutter's name (what they call heavies or criminal enforcers in Australia). In Australian slang, a "doof party" is an outdoor music event categorised by loud, bass-heavy music.


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