Mad Max Fury Road: 5 Awesome Moments And 5 That Sucked

8. Ruled: The Heart

Mad Max Fury Road Villain
Warner Bros. UK

In movies where action is the main focus, it can sometimes be hard to give a damn about the characters that are involved. Now while the protagonists of Fury Road are not exactly what you'd call fully developed, great care is taken to ensure the audience is fully invested in their struggles, and genuinely cares about what happens to them.  

While Max, Furiosa and co. are forced to match the wanton brutality of their pursuers again and again, they ultimately manage to cling on to their humanity, and - without giving too much away - the ending actually invokes some real emotion. 

Yes, you may just be reaching for the hankies at a Mad Max flick. 


Freelance writer/editor/reviewer. Resides in Ireland, where it rains 11 out 12 months of the year, and the grumpy bastard wouldn't have it any other way. He has a passion for all things film and comic related, and also dabbles in amateur film making, screenwriting and photography.