Magneto's 10 Greatest Movie Moments

1. Lifting The Golden Gate Bridge - X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has not been treated kindly in the world of cinema. Films like It Came from Beneath the Sea, Superman, The Core, Land of the Lost, Terminator Salvation, The Book Of Eli, Monsters vs. Aliens and who could forget Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus all did their fair share of damage to the landmark bridge. However, no film can match the greatness of X-Men: The Last Stand ( even if you never thought greatness and X-Men The Last Stand could go in a sentence together). Throughout the X-Men films Magneto has lifter guns, cars, Wolverine€™s but in the third entry of the series he literally rips the entirety of the Golden Gate off its hinges, diverting it so that his army of mutants have easy access to Worthington facility on Alcatraz Island. It€™s the first time we see just how powerful he actually is, and though you could ask why was it necessary for him to literally carry the entire bridge, you could simply respond with 'because it kicks ass.' Of course this begs the question of why he didn't simply drop the entire bridge on the island, kill everyone and save himself a lot of time, but that's an article for another day. What€™s your favourite Magneto movie moment? Sound off in the comment section below.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: