Magneto's 10 Greatest Movie Moments

5. Magneto Vs. Naval Fleet - X-Men: First Class (2011)

By the end of First Class Magneto has gone complete malevolent. When the newly formed X-Men basically save the day, American and Soviet military forces join forces to neutralize what they view as a threat in the form of mutants. With Magneto and the rest of the mutants corned on a beach, a nearby Navy Fleet fire missiles at the band of mutants. Magneto, of course, stops them midair and fires them back at the boats. As Magneto puts it, he€™s been at the mercy of soldiers just €œfollowing orders€ before€€never again.€ Xavier is there and tries to convince Magneto that they need to be the bigger men of the situation. When this doesn't work, the professor resorts to an old-school fist fight. This ultimately leads to Xavier getting shot in the spine and paralysed when Magneto deflects a bullet from Moira MacTaggert. The two friends then realize that they want the same thing but their ideals are so vastly different that they are destined to be comic book movie frenemies, and birth a franchise of superhero movies. The scene also opens up poignant debate about who should be held accountable when somebody is simply doing what they've been ordered to do or someone who is simply €œdoing their job.€

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: