Magneto's 10 Greatest Movie Moments

3. Frankenstein€™s Monster Gets His Revenge - X-Men: First Class (2011)

You would think that Magneto getting revenge against Sebastian Shaw would be the most poignant moment of his revenge, but surprisingly, this isn€™t the case. In what is one of the character€™s definitive moments Magneto gets revenge on two of Shaw€™s subordinates, namely two former Nazis. Years after the war is over Magneto finally tracks down two of the scumbags who had a hand in his family getting killed in a bar in Argentina, and naturally, all hell is about to break loose. After some chitchat with the Nazi€™s they soon realize who he is and one pulls out a knife on him, which of course doesn't work, and the other pulls out a gun on him, which again, doesn't work. When one of the Nazi€™s asks what he is, Magneto simply responds, €œLet€™s just say I€™m Frankenstein€™s monster, and I€™m looking for my creator.€ The way Michael Fassbender delivers the line is just awesome, showing how ruthless, menacing and just plain cool he is. Why couldn't they have made a movie of Magneto just hunting Nazis? That would have been too epic. Inglourious Basterds meets X-Men, if you will, and involving absolutely no fighting in basements.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: