Maleficent: 10 Other Disney Villains Who Deserve Their Own Movies

3. Hades - Hercules

As the only god on this list, Hades is one of the more powerful Disney villains and so can never be truly destroyed. With all of the Underworld at his disposal, the Greek deity has tried to kill his nephew Hercules time and time again, both in the original Disney movie and the popular spin off TV series. Hades's past is already known to an extent as his character is based upon actual Greek mythology, but a Disney origin movie could build upon this further, exploring how a rift formed between him and his brothers after Hades was given the dud prize of the Underworld to rule over, instead of the sky or the sea. The original Hercules movie has a rich cast of Greek gods who could all feature to a larger extent in a solo Hades movie, so the links between the two are instantly apparent. To distance itself from the Percy Jackson franchise, sidekicks Pain and Panic could also feature heavily to bring a Disneyfied touch of comic relief to what could otherwise be an extremely dark movie. The temptation would be there for the scriptwriters of course, as the film would be largely set in the Underworld, but Disney would be wise to not alienate fans of the original Hercules movie too much. Dream Casting: James Woods Jim Carrey could be a strong contender for this role, but when it comes down to it, no one does Hades better than James Woods. As the original voice of Hades in the Disney franchise, Woods managed to balance the fine line between darkness and humor, embodying the character with a sarcastic tone that stayed on the right side of malevolent. It also doesn't hurt that Woods even looks like the Disney animated version of the character.

David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites,