Man Of Steel: 10 Easter Eggs That Were Secretly Foreshadowing

8. Galaxy Broadcasting Station - Foreshadowing Darkseid

In a truly blink-and-you€™ll-miss-it fashion, Man Of Steel also foreshadowed a major DC Comics villain that could play a central role in the upcoming Justice League movies. In one of the flying scenes, Supes whizzed past a sign reading WGBS, which could well be a nod toward Darkseid, one of the biggest villains in comic book history and essentially DC€™s equivalent to Thanos. Let me explain. WGBS is a television station in the comic books. It€™s a subsidiary of the Galaxy Broadcasting System network, which is owned by regular Superman-bothering villain Morgan Edge. At one stage, in the comics, a version of Morgan Edge was a faithful servant of Darkseid and part of his Earthly evildoing team Intergang. Morgan would regularly do Darkseid€™s murderous bidding. It€™s a bit of a long shot, then, but the fact that WGBS exists in the DCEU suggests that Morgan Edge does to. And Morgan€™s ties to Darkseid €“ who seeks to conquer the universe and eliminate free will €“ are a common occurrence in the comics, so if Darkseid ever does join the DCEU, it€™s likely that everyone will look back at this Easter Egg as the first tease of his arrival.
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Easter Eggs
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