Man Of Steel: 10 Easter Eggs That Were Secretly Foreshadowing

6. Merrevale Oil - Aquaman€™s Enemies

Rather early on in Man Of Steel, Clark Kent is working on a boat that ends up in close proximity to an enflamed oilrig. He helps the employees get to the rescue helipad, before taking the weight of a giant falling structure in order to let them escape. It€™s one of the first times we see Clark consider revealing his true capabilities and embracing heroism. There€™s also another layer of meaning to this scene, in the shape of a hefty nod towards Aquaman. In the comics, the fish-talking king of Atlantis constantly battled with an evil company called Merrevale Oil. The oilrig in Man Of Steel is said to be owned by the DCEU version of this company, providing a foreshadowing Easter Egg for Aquaman€™s future arrival in the franchise. This has led fans to speculate that the downfall of this oilrig was no industrial accident. Perhaps Aquaman had attacked the facility deliberately (because they€™d been damaging an underwater society below?), shortly before Superman arrived and saved the men left behind. If this does turn out to be the case, expect clarification when Jason Momoa€™s Aquaman arrives in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice.
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Easter Eggs
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