Man Of Steel: 10 Easter Eggs That Were Secretly Foreshadowing

3. Mars Landscape - Martian Manhunter Exists In The DCEU

This one€™s really fleeting, but in a brief shot during Man Of Steel €“ while Clark investigates the Kryptonian scout ship that has landed in Canada €“ the audience is shown two computer monitors on a United States military employee€™s desktop. One of these presents an image of the surface of a planet which is neither Earth nor Krypton. In fact, it looks a lot like Mars. Why would the American military be studying Mars? Perhaps, they€™re already aware of the shape-shifting alien superhero Martian Manhunter and were trying to check if this scout ship had originated on his home world. In the comics, the rest of Mr Manhunter€™s species were wiped out in a genocide, which could explain why the military-sponsored exploration of Mars teased in Man Of Steel didn€™t uncover anything. As of yet, DC Entertainment hasn€™t announced any plans for a live-action Martian Manhunter, so this one is a bit of a long shot. But you don€™t stick some Mars landscape photography in a DC Comics movie without intending it to foreshadow something. Perhaps the next few DCEU film will provide some answers. Could there be a surprise Manhunter cameo on the way?
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Easter Eggs
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