Man Of Steel 2: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Superman Sequel

3. Somebody Save Me

Man Of Steel 2
Warner Bros. Pictures

If there's one thing Zack Snyder can do well it's film an action sequence and regardless of the drawbacks and criticisms of the films themselves watching Superman punch things has never looked better. Snyder needs to be told that punches don't solve everything.

Superman needs to be shown as an ambassador for peace and showing him save people would go a long way toward shaping this image. Yes, we’ve seen him hover over flood victims and carry downed satellites but we have never actually seen him take someone's hand and rescue them.

We’ve rarely seen him speak to them in the aftermath, offering them support other than his super strength. In Man of Steel there is a moment where he saves a soldier, and this a great moment, but this needs to happen more often and currently we have a tally of one.

The sequel needs to more of these moments so that we can see him as a hero and not just a silhouette image in the sky. This will be Superman's third appearance on screen and currently, he's as distant to us, the audience, as he is to the citizens who gaze up at him warily on screen. Showing him save people would go a long way to rectify this.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.