Man Of Steel: 5 Ways Zack Snyder (Hopefully) Has Grounded It In Reality

3. An Alien Among Us


One of the most neglected parts of not just the last son of Krypton's story, but a great deal of science fiction in film, is how the world reacts to something alien in their midst. Far too often people seem to take it all rather well, relatively speaking, and freakouts only really happen when things start exploding on your block. Now, I realize we live in an age where you don't have to google too far before the internet turns into a freak show, but it seems to me like the world should have some sort of significant reaction to finding out that little green men are real. And the fact that one little green man is actually a tall, dark and handsome dude who likes to step out in a cape, should in no way offset the fact that he can fly, melt things with his eyes, and could punch a hole straight through the Dwayne €œThe Rock€ Johnson and Vin Diesel. No matter how you line them up.

These are the sorts of things that should inspire a whole range of reactions in people across the globe. And initially, at least, you should expect to see lot of fear and anxiety. Quite frankly, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that in a world where we share air space with a superman, that the unease for some might never go away. If Zack Snyder really wants us to believe in a flying man, he's going to have to make us believe that he understands how we'd really react to such a thing.


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