Man Of Steel Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Points Discussed

3. Jenny Olsen?

Man of Steel One of the more curious and unsubstantiated pieces of fan guesswork pre-release was why the trailers seemed to focus a few shots rather unnecessarily on the above female, played by Rebecca Buller. We see her running away from a Kryptonian attack with Laurence Fishburne's Perry White, causing many to wonder if, given the clear absence of a Jimmy Olsen in the film, she might be a new-age replacement for the character. The film itself similarly lingers quite unnecessarily on Buller's character during her few scenes, and when Perry refers to her numerous times as "Jenny", it seemed all but confirmed that she was going to be Jenny Olsen. However, the film teases audiences by never explicitly calling her by the surname Olsen, even if her role as the Daily Planet's plucky intern is well-established by film's end, and who, honestly, does that remind you of? Eagle-eyed fans recently posted a set image that showed Jenny's name badge to display her name as "Jenny Jurwich", and though that's hard to argue with, I still think it's just an attempt to throw fans off the scent. She is clearly being presented to us as a Jimmy-like character, and besides, it's virtually impossible to make out that name-tag in the final film. On the other hand, why would they keep the surname under wraps for so long? Surely it's something you'd want to reveal at the film's end - as I thought they would - much like the Moneypenny and M reveals at the end of Skyfall.
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Man Of Steel
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]