Man Of Steel Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Points Discussed

2. Zod's Death

Man of Steel Man of Steel distinguishes itself from prior Superman films with its shockingly brutal violence, and no more so than in Zod's inevitable death scene. At the film's climax, Zod's plan has failed, so he resorts to just taking Superman down, as the two engage in an epic duel all over Metropolis. Things conclude at Grand Central Station, with Superman getting Zod in a head lock, while Zod aims his heat-vision at an innocent family. At this point, Supes must decide whether to allow the final fellow member of his race to live, or save the three innocent humans. Supes not only saves the humans, but does away with the only other remaining Kryptonian in surprisingly brutal fashion, snapping his neck with extreme force, a scene that's sure to shock many fans used to the more harmless battles in prior films. Still, it is completely in line with the new tone even if by its sheer nature it will be divisive among long-time fans.
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Man Of Steel
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]