Martin Freeman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. The All Together (2007)

As far as comedy gangster film goes, this effort is criminal. Like what I did there? No? Don't worry, it's about as funny and clever as the film itself. And it utterly wastes Freeman, playing him as the straight foil to the most-aptly-sounding-surnamed man in history, Danny Dyer. The result is a horribly lumbering script about a gangster hiding out at the home of a TV producer who ends up..blah blah blah... with "hilarious "consequences. The characters aren't so much poorly drawn, as scribbled in crayon by a gibbon, and the script is a series of events so contrived it makes Jonathan Creek look like Eastenders, only in a windmill. It's not often you end up praising the Daily Mirror, but their critic nailed it when he suggested "Give your money to charity. Throw it out of the window. Set it on fire. Just don't waste it by paying to see this." A crime-film, in every sense of the term. Did we miss any of your favourite or least favourite Martin Freeman performances out? Share your thoughts in the comments thread below.

I'm a Westcountry exile now living in Yorkshire with lovely wife and cats (also lovely). I'm a big fan of films, robots, timetravel, and films about timetravelling robots, as well as lots of other action, sci-fi and comedy. I'm currently trying to write a sitcom that doesn't involve robots, and I also blog nonsense on Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff, and feel free to comment.