Martin Freeman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. The Office (2001-2003)

The Office isn't about David Brent, it's about Tim Canterbury. That's actually what it tells you on the back of the first series' DVD, and I'm not about to argue. The reason being, we identify with him more than anyone else. He's the bloke stuck in a job he hates, crushingly aware of his situation. He's unable to ask out the girl he fancies and can't stand the people he works with. Among the many 'characters' this was where Freeman showed that just being able to play normal wins you a lot of admirers. His relationship with Dawn, summed up by the things they don't say, is heart-breakingly played - so much so that, by the time they manage a 'sponsored kiss' for Comic Relief, you're punching the air for them. Never has the 'everyman' been down-played so beautifully. Tim has too many wonderful moments to pick out, but the final episode pay off involving a Christmas party, an art-kit and the words "Never give up" is an ending that every writer or performer - comic or not - should watch and learn from.


I'm a Westcountry exile now living in Yorkshire with lovely wife and cats (also lovely). I'm a big fan of films, robots, timetravel, and films about timetravelling robots, as well as lots of other action, sci-fi and comedy. I'm currently trying to write a sitcom that doesn't involve robots, and I also blog nonsense on Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff, and feel free to comment.