Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 New Villains To Watch Out For In 2017

6. Grandmaster

Kurt RUssell Guardians Of The Galaxy VOl 2

Appearing in: Thor: Ragnarok

The third Thor film is the farthest project out from release this year, meaning we have yet to see too much from the project itself beyond the briefest of teases, concept art, and so on, but there's a palpable sense that we're in store for something great thanks to clear enthusiasm for it from everyone involved, particularly director Taika Waititi, who's stacked the big sequel with a solid cast that includes the always-great Jeff Goldblum.

In the film, Goldblum will be playing the Grandmaster, a cosmic being almost as old as the universe itself, who also just happens to be the brother of a familiar MCU face: Benicio del Toro's Collector.

With a passion for playing games, particularly when it involves the lives of those he deems lesser, it's pretty clear that he'll be the one pulling the strings behind getting Hulk and Thor in the gladiatorial arena we've seen. Goldblum himself has gone on record as saying he was given free reign to make the character his own, and if seeing the eccentric actor unleashed to do his thing in a Marvel movie isn't worth the admission, then what is?

And let's not forget, too, that the Grandmaster once held one of the Infinity Gems in the comics - or Stones, as the MCU prefers to call them - and with one still left unaccounted for and Thanos on the hunt, the character's role might end up even bigger than expected...


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!