Marvel Cinematic Universe: 11 Films To Expect In Phase 4

9. Shang-Chi

Eternals Movie
Marvel Comics

Last December, many fans were surprised when a movie set to introduce Shang-Chi was announced as in development for Phase 4. The character, who has been around since 1973, wasn't really one anyone was expecting Marvel to turn into a marquee hero, especially with the tepid reaction to the more well-known Iron Fist over on Netflix, yet here we are, and the prospects of the film are quite exciting.

Though no star has been announced yet, the film will be written by David Callaham and directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, and will give the overall franchise its first official Asian film lead. And unlike, say, Spider-Man, a character whose popularity carries with it the burden of certain fan expectations about what his films "should" be, Shang-Chi is a bit of a blank slate in the sense that Marvel is really free to do whatever they want with him and whatever corner of this world he'll be inhabiting.

Beyond that, there's the fact that the film could really stand out in style and tone against all the other films to date by leaning hard into its kung fu roots and the history of martial arts films it'll surely be inspired by. In comparison to something like The Eternals, Shang-Chi couldn't be further apart in every way, and yet - for that very reason - it's one more way Phase 4 is shaping up to be quite unique and exciting.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!