Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Iron Man 3

9. Stan Lee Cameo

As the series has gone on, Stan Lee's cameos have become increasingly silly (but no less fun). Here he's judging a beauty pageant, giving a particularly favourable contestant a perfect ten. Oh you old fox, Stan.

8. Ant-Man Reference

When on the run, Tony Buys some Fire Ant Control power, which serves as a humorous wink to two parts of the MCU. The first is, obviously, the explosive Extremis soldiers who feature in the film, but the second is more interesting; it's a sly wink to Ant-Man, which at the time of this movie was still in its protracted pre-production.

7. Phase 2 Gets Another In-Universe Mention

After announcing his plans to move Pepper, one of Killian's stooges interjects, pointing out she's "still in Phase 2". A continuation to the meta-joke in The Avengers, this signals to the audience (as if all the internet chatter didn't confirm it) that Iron Man 3 marks the start of the MCU's Phase 2.

6. Roxxon Tanker

The tanker around which the final battle takes place is the Roxxon Norco, another reference to the Roxxon Corportation. At its introduction, Killian clarifies the aims of (this leg of) his vendetta; it's revenge for the President overlooking the company's past illegal actions.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.