Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Iron Man 3

5. Space Armour

There's been over thirty new armours created between Iron Man 2 and 3, and although many are rather basic idea - heavy lifting, repainted versions - some serve have a more continuity-heavy purpose. The Space Armour was developed to survive in a vacuum, most likely inspired by Tony's trip through the wormhole in The Avengers, tech that will no doubt come in handy for Avengers: Infinity War. In the lead up to the film's release, many fans assumed this was setting up Tony Stark jetting off into space in a post-credits scene, ready for a cameo in Guardians Of The Galaxy.

4. The Silver Centurion Armour

After being homaged in a throwaway visual reference in Iron Man, the Silver Centurion Armour gets a proper MCU translation. And it's pretty accurate; not only is the colour scheme spot on, it's also got much more plating than Iron Man's standard get up, mirroring the comics version's bulk.

3. Igor Pre-Empts The Hulkbuster

When it popped up at the end of the film's trailer, everyone assumed the Heavy Lifting Armour was the MCU's version of the Hulkbuster. Obviously puny when compared to the version seen in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the armour (lovingly nicknamed Igor) does act as something of a precursor to the Green Goliath fighter; it shows Tony beginning to expand the size and scale of his armour.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.