Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Guardians Of The Galaxy

24. Star-Lord's Name Confusion Winks To Audience

Pre-release, Guardians Of The Galaxy seemed like a risky prospect. James Gunn and the rest of Marvel were aware of this perception (even if they were much more confident in the property), throwing in a sly wink to Star-Lord's unknown status when Korath (rightly so) fails to identify him.

23. The Ravagers Emblem Is Same As 2008 Star-Lord

The Ravagers logo on Yondu's jacket, a stylised flame, is a nice little reference to the comics - it's the same logo as the 2008 comic iteration of the series. Not only a nod to the version that influenced sly reference to the fact that comic book Yondu started life as a member of the Guardians.

22. Xandar Is Shaped Like Nova€™s Helmet

The shape of the main Xandarian city isn't just intended to show off some creative landscaping; it's a visual nod to Nova (a hero named after Xandar's Nova Corps), shaped like the star of his helmet. It's cleverly partially obscured by cloud, making it a little harder to spot (and thus not too obtrusive when Nova is inevitable introduced in the movies later).

21. Stan Lee Cameo

Stan Lee goes full Hefner in his Guardians Of The Galaxy cameo, playing an ageing player (or, as Rocket describes him, pre-vert), chatting up a much younger Xandarian woman. Stan really gets into the role too - notice how his arm is wrapped around her body

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.