Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Guardians Of The Galaxy

20. Rocket's Soulmate Gets A Mention

If you thought Rocket was weird, wait until you check this out; his soulmate is an otter. Named Lylla, the pair have a longstanding relationship in the comics and, it appears, the movies; along with Groot, she's listed as one of the raccoon's associates. One for the sequel?

19. Nathan Fillion Cameo

Every time casting begins for a new Marvel movie, one of the names always thrown out by fans is geek idol Nathan Fillion, no matter how suitable Captain Reynolds is for the part. Well, now that can stop; Fillion's already a part of the MCU (sort of). He provides the voice of the blue alien who confronts Quill when he and the gang first enter the Kiln.

18. Thanos

After little more than a cameo in The Avengers' mid-credits scene, Thanos makes his main film debut. Although he only appears in two scenes (and is totally absent from the final third), he does make his presence felt, with some light shed on his plans ahead of more prominent involvement; Guardians confirms that the mad Titan is indeed after the Infinity Stones, beginning the road to Avengers: Infinity War.

17. Hidden Mickey Over Bar Entrance

After being introduced to the MCU in Thor: The Dark World, Guardians Of The Galaxy ups the Hidden Mickey ante with two cheeky appearances from the mouse's silhouette. First up is the entrance to the bar on Knowhere, with a dome flanked by two fans/exhausts.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.