Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

The Incredible Hulk

21. A Deleted Opening Scene (With Captain America)

This is a deleted scene, but contains such a cool Easter egg it needs to be included. Instead of beginning with the opening credits, the film was originally going to start with a scene showing an end-of-his-tether Banner going to the Arctic to commit suicide, only for shooting himself to bring on a Hulk transformation. The subsequent rampage dislodges a big chunk of ice, including a piece that appears to contain a frozen Captain America (see bottom left). The scene was presumably cut because it's a pretty dark opening to a family movie, but more obsessive fans can hope it was because Cap being dislodged doesn't make a whole lot of sense, continuity-wise.

20. The Origin Story Mirrors The TV Series

The Incredible Hulk is a quasi-sequel, remake and reboot of Ang Lee's Hulk - it's not explicitly replacing it, although it does feature a slight alteration to the origin sequence. While it's different to Lee's version, proper Hulk fans will get a familiar feeling - many of the shots are direct lifts from the TV show's opening sequence.

19. Rick Jones Reference In The Opening Credits

In the credits, you get to see various military files on Banner's associate. On top of Betty Ross and Dr. Samson (who both appear in the film), there's a nod to more obscure comic character, Rick Jones. In the comics the person Bruce is saving when he first gets irradiated and an early member of The Avengers, he eventually becomes a hero in his own right, A-Bomb. The document has blanked out information and states his location as "unknown", probably to avoid writing Marvel into a hole if they ever fancied introducing the character.

18. Stark Industries Tech Bought By The Military

The Hulk's a big threat for the military, requiring very specific arms to take him down. So who they going to turn to? The premier arms company, Stark Industries, of course; various weapons from the film, most prominently the supersonic trucks, were developed by Stark. The events of the credits take place before Tony Stark was captured in Afghanistan and changed his approach to warfare, meaning this is very in character for the company.

17. Nick Fury Reference In Opening Credits

The Incredible Hulk is the only pre-Avengers movie that Samuel L. Jackson doesn't appear in, but Nick Fury still gets a name-check in the opening credits. It appears that S.H.I.E.L.D. have been monitoring the development of the Banner issue carefully. As revealed in The Avengers, however, this was more with an eye for his scientific smarts than his temper. Interestingly, Shied Command is still based in New York, meaning they're still yet to finish developing those Helicarriers.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.