Marvel Cinematic Universe Films - Ranked By Their Villains

7. The Incredible Hulk - The Abomination

The Incredible Hulk is the forgotten stepchild of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While not the worst film in the series (that honor belongs to the aforementioned Iron Man 2), it had the smallest box office and Edward Norton was the only hero to be recast before The Avengers. While widely considered an underwhelming film, the same cannot be said for its villain, The Abomination. In terms of pure, physical ability, The Abomination is at the top of the villain list. He is the only being in the MCU that can go toe-to-toe with the Hulk, and he probably would have whooped the latter's butt had it not been for Liv Tyler's love (or something like that). He drops down on our list though due to a lack of ambition. He is a rage-filled monster hell bent on destruction. Sure he could kick the crap out of Whiplash, Malekith, and a few Frost Giants, but a true villain needs a plan, and The Abomination doesn't have one. Pros: Super strength Cons: Lacks a good plan, doesn't have Liv Tyler in his corner.

Yes, my last name is pronounced exactly as it's spelled. Just like "going to the store". ;) I am an aspiring writer currently working on my first novel, which is GOING to be awesome once it's published. (See what I did there?) I love reading, am a HUGE film buff (who welcomes all trivia challenges), and never miss a New York Giants football game. I'm an open book so if there is anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask.