Marvel Cinematic Universe Films - Ranked By Their Villains

6. Iron Man - Obadiah Stane

Now this is a man with a plan. Obadiah Stane doesn't have the strength of the Abomination, or the icy abilities of the Frost Giants, or...a whip. But he does have a plan, and is a cold-hearted son of a gun. The first villain of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the man who organizes the hit on his protege, Tony Stark, and then murders members of the Ten Rings without a second thought. He steals the arc reactor right out of Tony's chest, leaving him to die a slow, painful death, and then makes plans to sell it off to the highest bidder. He's greedy, two-faced, relentless, cold, calculating, and by the end of the film has a suit of armor that allows him to go toe-to-toe with the hero. He's the type of guy who will smile to your face and then stab you in the back. In other words, he's everything we want in a villain. He's defeated by Gwyneth Paltrow though. We've gotta mark him down for that. Pros: Smart, cunning, and ruthless. Cons: Lacks partners, is thwarted by Gwyneth Paltrow.

Yes, my last name is pronounced exactly as it's spelled. Just like "going to the store". ;) I am an aspiring writer currently working on my first novel, which is GOING to be awesome once it's published. (See what I did there?) I love reading, am a HUGE film buff (who welcomes all trivia challenges), and never miss a New York Giants football game. I'm an open book so if there is anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask.