Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking All The Endings From Worst To Best

4. Iron Man

Being the first of the Marvel films, Iron Man€™s final section is also pretty low-key compared to what came after it. It€™s undeniably exciting to see Tony take on someone of equal stature and power for the first time in his old friend and business partner, Obadiah Stane (played by Jeff frickin€™ Bridges!). There€™s also a lot to be said for the fact that the fight between Iron Man and the clunkily titled Iron Monger, who has reverse engineered a suit from the wreckage of Tony€™s original effort, is basically just the two men slugging it out in giant metal suits of armour. There€™s no advancing hoards, there€™s minimal civilian danger and the history between these two men, who have shared a common goal for so long before a bitter disagreement, is palpable thanks to Bridges and Downey Jr€™s star power. The ending of Iron Man also deserves it€™s place on this list because of Tony€™s genre bucking "I am Iron Man" speech and that post-credits tease. Seeing Samuel L. Jackson turn up was exciting enough, but with two simple words he managed to map out the course of the Marvel Universe for the next four years. The Avengers Initiative was now very real, the fans went wild and Marvel Studios was on it€™s way to world domination.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.