Marvel Phase 3: 15 Outrageous Predictions That Could Change Everything
4. Thanos Dies Early - Avengers: Infinity War
The Prediction
We've already been told that the title to Avengers 4 is a spoiler for one aspect of Avengers: Infinity War, but what if the spoiler is that it ends well before it was initially suspected to. What once was called Infinity War Part II is no longer titled that, and the tow sequels aren't even filming simultaneously any more.
What if that means that Thanos doesn't actually get his hands on all of the Infinity Stones and that he's defeated before he ever gets to click his fingers?
The Implications
If Marvel are pulling this major switcheroo, the biggest shock-wave would come in the shape of a wholly different story event for Avengers 4. Something that springs out of the debris of Infinity War but which doesn't feature Thanos in any way (whether introducing someone else as a villain in his place, or representing an immediate reboot into an event of similar size, like Secret Invasion.
It would be hard to pull off, undoubtedly, but there's got to be a reason why the original plan to have two Infinity War films has been canned, right?