Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Captain America: Civil War (No. 2)

Captain America Civil War Post Credits Scene Tom Holland Peter Parker

Spider-Man was the absolute standout of Captain America: Civil War, which is a pretty big deal given how great the movie was. He was as quippy as you'd ever want, and Tom Holland brought the teenage mentality to the screen brilliantly. He was so entertaining, in fact, he was naturally a favourite to get his own post-credits sting, especially given Homecoming's just around the corner.

The resulting one is basically a victory lap, with Marvel showing off just how right they've got the character; we get an extension of the Brooklyn/Queens relationship between Cap and Spidey as well as a show of how Tony Stark will play a part in the web-slinger's ongoing career. Sure, getting some Peter-May interaction is going to be considerably less novel after his own movie and the Spider-signal is such an obscure piece of Pete's tech that it doesn't have quite the same cool factor as his webbing seen earlier, but it's still a fun cap to the movie.

To top it off, the scene ends with a "Spider-Man will return" card, sending chills down any Spidey fan's spine.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.