Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

16. Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 Tony Bruce
Marvel Studios

With Guardians Of The Galaxy then incoming and one of Tony Stark€™'s many suits allowing for inter-planetary travel, it was assumed the sting for Shane Black'€™s liked-by-audiences, derided-by-fans Iron Man 3 would involve shellhead jetting off into space. Ha, nope.

Instead, you get a reveal that the whole film has been a story told by Stark to best bro Bruce Banner. That€™'s it. Just when you thought IM3 couldn'€™t get any more derivative of Black€™'s own Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, you get the exact same ending. Sure, it€™'s funny, but i't€™s also one of the least creative choices in the film.

Humour isn'€™t an inherently bad thing in these stings - most other 2013 movies (Pacific Rim, Frozen) used their respective scenes for just that purpose - and given how reluctant the film was to push forward with the overarching MCU story it shouldn'€™t have been a surprise. However, it just doesn€™'t feel the same amount of effort has been put into this as there was with some of the higher entries on this list. To top it off, Ruffalo as Banner is sporting an entirely different haircut to that he did in The Avengers, which smacks of a rushed job just to have something at the end.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.