Marvel Post-Credit Scenes - Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Thor


So successful at stoking excitement for The Avengers that Captain America'€™s subsequent wobble in the sting department ended up not mattering, Thor'€™s post-credit scene showed that if you do something well enough you can overlook the fact it makes no sense; the scene not only resurrects Loki mere moments after killing him with no explanation, but also creates a major plot hole with the use of the mischief maker€™s mind control.

What keeps this from being another scene like The Incredible Hulk's is that it€™'s so tantalising a snippet. Featuring Samuel L. Jackson€™'s Nick Fury and Stellan Skarsgård€™'s Erik Selvig, it gave the first hints at what the plot of The Avengers may involve; it'€™s the first narrative appearance of the Tesseract and on-screen confirmation that Loki would continue to be a major threat.

Thor was the point where the broader strokes of the MCU began to appear in the films - up until that point it had been very on-the-fly - and although that does make the inconsistencies thrown up here slightly harder to swallow, it was also the first time the audience got to feel just how exciting things were going to get.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.