5. Kraven The Hunter
Rumour has it that Vulture and Scorpion are to be the main threats in Spider-Mans first adventure and if thats the case then the inevitable sequel could do a lot worse than to bring Kraven to the screen. An expert hunter and all around bad-ass, Kraven became obsessed with beating Spider-Man, eventually going so far as to vanquish him by becoming him as part of the seminal Kravens Last Hunt storyline. What that means is that the owner of the best moustache and leopard print trouser combo in Manhattan drugged Spider-Man, buried him alive, stole his costume and beat some thugs to within an inch of their life in Spideys name. Oh, and having proved his point he promptly shot himself just so everyone knew hed won. Its a dark story, thats for sure, but itd make for an interesting and disturbing stand-alone movie that explores the nature of obsession and what it means to be the hero. Weve also never really seen Spider-Man lose in any real sense. Sure hes faced loss but hes always exacted justice in the end and the end of a Last Hunt film would leave things on a more ambiguous note.
Mark Grainger
Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.
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