Marvel’s Spider-Man: 8 Characters The New Movies Need To Introduce

3. Chameleon

On the face of it, Chameleon would be the perfect antagonist for a Spider-Man film, not least because he was also the first villain the wall crawler ever faced in his own series. The problem probably lies in his abilities, given how he€™s a master of disguise who frequently relies on Mission Impossible style rubber masks to put his ever so slightly convoluted plans into action. The filmmakers could however bring in a technological angle similar to his depiction in the much-loved 1990s cartoon, where Chameleon employed a special camera to copy the appearance of others before morphing into them. In a world where Stark technology and shrinking suits are commonplace and widely available, that could be a viable option. He probably couldn€™t carry a whole film on his own but it would be a nice reference to have him appear somewhere. Maybe they could team him with Mysterio in future for a melon twisting mix of mistaken identity and psychedelic visions. Failing that, he could even be used as a more traditional henchman of a bigger threat, possibly even his half-brother, Kraven.
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Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.