MCU: 10 British Villains In Marvel's Cinematic Universe - Ranked Worst To Best

6. Andy Serkis – Ulysses Klaue

British MCU Villains
Marvel Studios

It's not often a franchise will have seven films at all let alone that many between the appearance of a single character, but popping up in the eleventh and eighteenth films of the MCU is Ulysses Klaue. Introduced as an arms dealer on the phone to someone he ruthlessly threatens but refers to as "Minister", Klaue is a character who talks the talk, but rarely gets to walk the walk.

Although his potential gives the MCU some of its most stunning action sequences, and his animated villainy only adds to Black Panther's James Bond comparisons, like any car chase through the streets of an Asian cityscape he is ultimately a cinematic flare there to push someone else's story forward.

Although tears should hardly by shed at the death of a white slave-trader in a film which rightfully places issues of racism and oppression at the heart of it's African story, Serkis' gleeful portrayal in a refreshingly motion captureless role is one that was never truly given the chance to shine that it deserved.


One man fate has made indescribable