MCU: 10 British Villains In Marvel's Cinematic Universe - Ranked Worst To Best

5. Tim Roth - Emil Blonsky

British MCU Villains
Universal Pictures

The MCU took Bruce Banner's superhero origin story as read after Ang Lee's Hulk in 2003, and instead chose for its own Incredible film to focus on the manhunt required to tame such a beast. A task which General Ross delegates to Russian born Royal Marine Emil Blonsky when he decides to fight fire with fire.

Blonsky himself had been a man of action ever since he was young but was now aware of age creeping up on him, a role which initially seems perfectly suited to Roth's own career. But it's not long before he becomes just the latest super-serum test subject in order to enhance his brute strength and stamina as a soldier, and it is the subtleties Roth brings to the character which ensure his human side comes through as much as his monstrous one.

With super strength being handed out left, right and centre throughout the MCU, Blonsky is one of the few characters whose journey from duty to greed treads the fine line where his motivation is never completely one or the other. While it's only fair to expect that something as ambitious as a franchise with 18 films (and counting) will need time to find its feet, by moving on from The Incredible Hulk the MCU's biggest abomination is that it has completely forgotten about Tim Roth's outstanding performance.


One man fate has made indescribable