MCU: 10 Fascinating Facts Behind Captain America: Civil War (2016)

2. Black Panther's Role Was Expanded Significantly

Captain America Civil War Zemo Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Looking at Civil War and how much of an impact both Spider-Man and Black Panther had, despite both being bit part players making their debuts, T'Challa was actually only supposed to have a far smaller role initially.

In early drafts, T'Challa didn't even appear in costume as the writers wanted to give Spider-Man more of a chance to shine and wanted to leave Black Panther's origin to his own movie. But then for a while it looked like the Sony/Marvel deal looked like it might not happen, so the writers were forced to beef T'Challa's role up and by the time Spidey was greenlit, he was so important to the plot that he was left as he was and Spider-Man got the smaller role.

Impressively, his suit is completely CG. On-set, Chadwick Boseman wore a costume, but then ILM painted over it completely with a complete CG render.


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