MCU: 10 Marvel Characters Who Could ACTUALLY Replace Spider-Man

6. Wiccan

Sam Alexander
Marvel Comics

With the upcoming Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, it’s clear the MCU is going to start embracing the innate weirdness of the comic books. With that in mind, some more supernatural style heroes might arrive soon, and Wiccan could be just the hero to take Spidey’s place.

For one, his story shares a school dynamic with Peter, though rather than a dorky outsider Wiccan is bullied for being gay. It’s a harder hitting story than Marvel have done, with only one minor LGBT+ cameo in 23 movies so far, but the times they are a changing.

Wiccan is the son of Scarlet Witch and Vision in canon, so that might have to be rewritten to bring him in. Even that’s only a maybe though, as with Scarlet Witch in Multiverse Of Madness too, she and Wiccan may meet that way.

He’s unlikely to be a big draw like Spidey or some other candidates here, and would be a better fit in an ensemble movie. As far as taking Spidey’s spot as the young, inexperienced hero with potential though, Wiccan is a great fit.

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