MCU: 10 Most Underrated Performances

7. Jon Favreau - Happy Hogan

mcu nebula
Marvel Studios

Over the last 13 years, Happy Hogan has popped up in the MCU seven times. This is pretty remarkable considering many would argue his character is superfluous.

Although the franchise could function without him, the Marvel universe is definitely better with his inclusion, thanks to Jon Favreau's performance. Originally, he was depicted as Tony Stark's oafish bodyguard. Even though Favreau was funny, Happy's shtick would've got fast quick it he kept acting like a generic buffoon over and over.

But with every appearance, we got to see a new side of Happy. Iron Man 3 was the first time Favreau played the part more seriously. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, we saw a more contentious side of him, as he butted heads with Spidey. When Tony Stark passed away, Happy's dynamic with Peter Parker changed once again, forcing him to act more like a mentor.

Whether he's playing the role as comedic, dramatic, romantic, or tragic, Favreau has no problem nailing it every time. What's more important is how these changes never feel forced since Favreau makes them look like a natural progression of the character.

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