MCU: 10 Most Underrated Performances

6. Stanley Tucci - Abraham Erskine

mcu nebula
Marvel Studios

Stanley Tucci is incapable of giving a bad performance. Many times, he's the only good thing in a bad movie. (Look at the Transformers sequels. Better yet, don't. They're terrible.) With his roles in The Hunger Games, Beauty and the Beast, and The Devil Wears Prada, the chameleonic actor has earned a reputation for his consistency. Because of his ability to portray larger-than-life characters, it felt like Tucci would fit perfectly in a comic book adaptation.

However, Tucci is so good at chewing the scenery, you forget he's equally talented at playing a down-to-Earth character, which is what he does in Captain America: The First Avenger. His character, Abraham Erskine, is the scientist who perfected the serum, which turned Steve Rogers into a super-soldier. When Erskine talks about how real strength comes from within and it takes more than muscles to be a man, his dialogue could've come across as corny. But Tucci acts so authentic (while juggling a thick, German accent, might I add), you feel genuinely moved.

Even though Erskine is a dramatic role, Tucci shows off his comedic talents when offering Rogers a beverage before taking it away when he realises he can't consume drink. Moments like this seem unnecessary but help Erskine feel like a real human being.

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