MCU: 10 Most Underrated Performances

5. Karl Urban - Skurge

mcu nebula
Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok is regarded as among the funniest and emotional entries in the MCU. On top of that, all the actors are on top form. Taika Waititi's Korg steals every scene. Chris Hemsworth is hilarious. Jeff Goldbloom is at his most Jeff Goldbloom. Tom Hiddleston has never been better as Loki (until the tv series, Loki).

However, one person that people forget about is Hela's henchman, Skurge. Because he's an incompetent janitor who tries to impress women with shake weights, it would've been so easy to make this dim-witted Asgardian come across as a complete clown. Thankfully, Karl Urban makes Skurge one of the most interesting characters in the story. Considering he changes from a buffoon, to a slave forced to commit executions, to a redeemed hero, Skurge has the most drastic story arc in the film.

Even though sloppy writing could've made Skurge's changes come across as non-sensical, Karl Urban keeps him feel real and sympathetic, even when he's acting idiotic or betraying his people. Although it was great to see the former villain die a hero, it's a pity we won't see Skurge again.

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