MCU: 10 Most Underrated Performances

4. Shaun Toub - Ho Yinsen

mcu nebula
Marvel Studios

When Tony Stark was captured by The Ten Rings, the terrorist group forced him to work on a weapon alongside an imprisoned doctor called Ho Yinsen. Knowing the terrorists would kill them no matter what, the Afghan scientist convinced Stark to plan an escape. Inspired by Yinsen's words, Stark cobbled technology together to forge a prototype of the Iron Man suit to flee. Sadly, Yinsen was shot in the crossfire and perished.

Yinsen may have only appeared in the franchise for ten minutes but his impact still resonates in the MCU to this day since he inspired Tony to become Iron Man. What makes him more significant is how the actor, Shaun Toub, portrayed Yinsen like a flesh-and-blood human being. Even though the series can be flashy and silly, Toub plays the role sincerely, making you forget you're watching a comic book adaptation. Also, the moment where he confesses to Tony how all his family are dead and he only pretended they were alive to inspire him to escape has to be among the most heartbreaking scenes in Marvel.

You appreciate Toub's performance more upon rewatching Iron Man, knowing his sacrifice is indirectly responsible for saving the universe multiple times.

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