MCU: 10 Most Underrated Performances

3. Karen Gillen - Nebula

mcu nebula
Marvel Studios

When Thanos' stepdaughter, Nebula, debuted in Guardians of the Galaxy, she came across as a run-of-the-mill henchwoman. As a result, viewers were surprised when she was spared during the climax, implying she would return in the sequel.

Thankfully, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 expanded on Nebula's backstory and explored her relationship with her sibling, Gamora. However, it's Karen Gillan's mesmerising portrayal as the blue-skinned enforcer that won us over. Instead of depicting the alien mercenary as a snarling beast, the Scottish actress focused on Nebula's inner conflict and tense relationship with her family.

Even though GOTG Vol. 2 is an emotional rollercoaster, Gillen gives one of the most powerful performances, not just in the film but in the entire franchise. When she screams "All I ever wanted was a sister" to Gamora, your perception of the character is transformed immediately. With that single sentence, Gillen was able to convey Nebula is a victim, not a monster. Gillen has continued to do fantastic work in Infinity War and Endgame, but her heart-wrenching performance in GOTG Vol. 2 can never be appreciated enough.

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