MCU: 10 Returning Characters We're Most Excited About

8. Vision

Zemo MCU
Marvel Studios

Of all the deaths in Infinity War and Endgame, Vision's was one of the most tragic.

Sure, audiences hadn't gotten as attached to him as Black Widow or Iron Man, but at least they died for something. Black Widow sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone, and Tony sacrificed himself to save the universe and wipe out Thanos's forces (something that wouldn't have been possible without Natasha's sacrifice). Both of them died with a heroic purpose.

Vision, though? Not so much. Vision was killed not just once, but twice. The first time was heartbreaking, but it was satisfying. He died at the hands of the woman he loved, convinced that his demise would ensure the continued safety of the universe. Then, like having cold water dumped on your face after passing out from a night of drinking, Vision was jolted back into existence and brutally killed all over again, this time in service of the villain's grand plans. He truly died for nothing.

We're set to get him in the MCU again, although he'll take the form of a figment of Wanda's imagination. Still, it'll be exciting to see what role the dearly departed Vision will play in Wanda's fever dream, and what implications his presence may have.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.