MCU: 10 Returning Characters We're Most Excited About

7. Baron Mordo

Zemo MCU
Marvel Studios

Granted, we've had no hard confirmation that Mordo will return in any capacity, but come on. Do you seriously think Marvel won't bring back A) one of Doctor Strange's most iconic villains, and B) someone who was pretty explicitly set up to be an antagonist down the road?

The last time we saw Mordo, he had pretty definitively had it up to here with Stephen Strange's s**t. After the battle with Kaecilius and his forces in Hong Kong, he stomped off into the night, vowing to rid the world of sorcerers. His first order of business? Paralyzing a guy. Sure, that seems a bit unreasonable, but hey, Mordo is an unreasonable guy. He's a man of conviction.

Remember his last words in the film? He said, "I see, at long last, what's wrong with the world: too many sorcerers." Can you imagine the cold, wet smack in the face he must have felt when literally hundreds of sorcerers poured out of Strange's portals in Endgame and started doing sorcerer stuff?

Whether it's in the Doctor Strange sequel, or in Shang-Chi (which has been rumored), Mordo will be back. It's only a matter of time. He's got a bone to pick with Strange, and he's not the forgetting type.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.