MCU: 10 Returning Characters We're Most Excited About

5. Jane Foster

Zemo MCU
Marvel Studios

Jane Foster was no one's favorite character. Seriously, if you ask a thousand people who their top five favorite MCU characters are, literally zero of them would include Jane on that list. If anyone did, you should immediately go about cutting that person out of your life, because they have terrible taste.

Natalie Portman is a fantastic actress. It's not her fault that her character was dull. She was hugely pivotal to Thor's journey in the first film, but beyond that, her significance is, well... she has none. Don't think so? Quick: what happened when they didn't bring her back for Ragnarok? Uh-huh. Literally nothing, because she was unimportant.

That all may be about to change, though. You may be seeing a lot more people include her on their lists.

See, before Ragnarok, Thor was in a similar boat to that of Jane. He wasn't the heart and soul of the team, like Cap; he wasn't the charming headliner, like Iron Man; and he wasn't the loose cannon everyone looked forward to, like Hulk. But Ragnarok reinvented him, turning him into - arguably - the MVP of the MCU. Perhaps Love and Thunder - helmed by the same minds behind Ragnarok -- can do the same for Jane.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.